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1поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках , в требуемом по смыслу времени: не (to speak) english quite fluently. listen! someone (to knock) at the door. when the delegation (to arrive) in moscow? i (to have) no news from him since he (to leave) home. i t (to rain) hard last night when i (to leave) office. 1 (to wait) for you at five o' clock tomorrow. they (to pass) their exams by 3 o' clock yesterday. i hope the next mail (to bring) news from home. what you (to do) at eight o' clock yesterday? -1 (to work) on my report. we (to walk) for about two hours when at least we (to see) the lake. you (tо read) that book yet? - no, i only just (to begin) it. at 2 o' clock tomorrow i (to have) an english lesson. when she (to come) home her mother already (to cook) the dinner. don't go into the room! the students (to write) a dictation there. where is peter? - he (to have) his english lesson. he alwavs (to have) it at this hour

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Не speaks english quite fluently.listen! someone are knoking at the door. when the delegation will arrive in moscow? i  have no news from him since he has left  home. следующие два предложения странные ,начала нет ( it (to rain) hard last night when i (to leave) office.1 (to wait) for you at five o' clock tomorrow.) they  passed their exams by 3 o' clock yesterday.i hope the next mail will bring news from home. what was you doing at eight o' clock yesterday? -1 awas working on my report. we were walking for about two hours when at least we saw the lake. have you read that book yet? - no, i only just have begun it..at 2 o' clock tomorrow i will have an english lesson. when she came  home her mother already was cooking the dinner. don't go into the room! the students are writing a dictation there. where is peter? - he is having his english lesson. he alwavs has it at this hour

Speaks, is knocking, arrives, have had, left, was raining, was leaving, will wait, had passed, will bring, were doing, was working, had been walking, saw, have read, have begun, will be having, came, had already cooked, are writing, is having, has

1.кто это? 2.зачем это? 3.что они кушают? 4.умеют ли они говорить? 5.любят когда их гладить кто-то? 6.откуда они?

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