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Read the example sentence and answer the question. Then complete the rule. Aliya had just finished her homework when Madina phoned.
1 Which of the two actions came first: Aliya finishing her homework or Madina phoning?​

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Aliya finishing her homework было первым. Поэтому с этим действием было использовано Past Perfect. Past perfect обозначает действие до Past simple. Past simple в данном предложении - Madina phoned

Astradivarius violin was sold yesterday at christie's for £902,000, the highest price ever paid for a strad. the violin, owned by the mendelsohn family, was made in 1720, and, because of its colour, it was known as the 'red strad'. it was bought  by a professional musician. in its years in the mendelssohn family, it was  played very little, except by amateurs, but its beautiful tones were  demonstrated by a japanese violinist before the auction (vente aux enchères) yesterday. 'it is in a very good condition because it  was  kept in a special case', said  yoshito ito. 'it  was looked after very well.' the violin was  reached such a high price because of its date of 1720 (the height of stradivari's golden age), when his finest instruments were  made. strads were  admired all over the world for their purity and deep, clear sound.

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