Есть ответ 👍

ORDINAL 1st first
10th 4).....
12th 5)......
23rd 6).....
36th 7).......
49th 8).....
54th 9).....
65th sixty-fifth
77th 10) ..........
82nd 11)
98th ninety-eighth
100th 12) ...........
121st 13) .....
1000th 14) thousanth
2265th 15) .........

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Ответы на вопрос:



twenty third

thirty sixth

forty nineth

To be, was/were been to have had had to mean meat meant to learn learnt learnt to become became become to bring brought brought to know knew known to think though though to buy bought bought to pay paid paid to take took taken to do did done to begin began begun to give gave given to make made made to keep kept kept to get got got to read read read to show, showed showed (shown )

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