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Сколько в рублях будет 5 миллионов ливров?

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,7(83 оценок)

50 572 500 000 рублей это курс не ливров а лиров.

It dates from 1801 when the kingdom of Ireland was united with the kingdom of Great Britain.

There is no reference to Wales on the flag because England and Wales were united much earlier.

Tower Bridge was opened in 1894 When it was built it would have been opened as many as 50 times a day.

The Londoners were allowed to cross the river on a walkway over the bridge, because the bridge was raised many times during the day.

The letter was received yesterday.

Nick will be sent to Moscow next week.

I was asked at the lesson yesterday.

I was given a very interesting link last week.

This work will be done tomorrow.

These trees were planted last summer.

This bone will be given to my dog tomorrow.

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