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East Saturday your boss called you on your mobile…… in the middle of Jessica's school concert. A. Most rightly B. More rightly C. Right d. Rightly

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Last Saturday your boss called you on your mobile…right… in the middle of Jessica's school concert.

В субботу твой босс позвонил тебе на мобильный прямо посреди школьного концерта Джессики.


Ithink it is almost impossible to find a person who doesn't like to listen to music . so am i . it helps us to relax and to get pleasure or on the contrary it can make us aggressive and sad. music has a great effect on us .there are many styles in music . music is very important in my life .i like pop and rap music. so i can say "show me playlist of your favourite songs and i can tell what person you are ."

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