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Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Tina. Hi, Roger, how are (be) you?
Roger. Hi, Tina. I'm exhausted -I____(work) really hard all week.
Tina. Is that why you_____out with us last night?(not come)
Roger. Yes, I____(not can) come-I_____(study). My last exam____(start) at 9.00 tomorrow morning.
Tina. Really? I____(finish) all my exams!
Roger. Lucky you! What____
you (plan) to do next?
Tina. I____(fly) co Australia in three days. I____(want) to go since my aunt and uncle____
(move) there five years ago, but I___(never/be able to)
afford it till now.
Roger. Fantastic - I'm sure you
____(love) it.
Tina. I hope so! What about you? I____(speak) to Mary yesterday and she____(say) you_____(invite) her to go to France.
Roger. Yes, but unfortunately she____(already/make) other plans.
Tina. And what about tomorrow evening?
Roger. Yes,I____(think)of going to that new pizzeria. ____you___(want) to come along?
Tina. Yes,that would be great- I____(see) you tomorrow. And good luck with the exam!​

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Ответы на вопрос:

вот это мне друг не я сделал а с него как раз nik: soleil79

Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.Tina. Hi, Roger, how are (b
Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.Tina. Hi, Roger, how are (b


would be




could(не уверен)





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