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Complete the sentences with the auxiliary verbs be, do, or have. Does be like living in the UK, or is he feeling homesick?
1 A)
____you ever been to the
B )No, my husband_____like flying
2)A____they miss the
beginning of the film?
B) No, luckily it____Started yet.
3)_____he know we____
coming,or____we need to give him a ring?
4 A)I'm sorry!_____answer the phone when you called
B)That's OK. What____you doing?
5) We____often travel outside Europe, but we_____been to Egypt twice.
6) I_____working since 7.00 this morning, and now I____
going home.
7 A)Where____she going on holiday this year?
B )Rome, I think. She_____never heen before.
8) They____only staying in New York for two days they____have much time for sightseeing ​

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in the united kingdom with education is compulsory for children from 15 to 16 years. all state schools in britain government. at the age of 5 years old children go to a prep school, which is the first stage of primary education. from 7 to 11 years old pupils attend elementary school which is the second stage of primary education. at the age of 11 most pupils go to secondary school, the so-called unified school. this school takes children of all abilities without entrance examinations.

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