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2​. Underline the correct form. Example:​When have you finished / did you finish your work?
1​ I’m going to / ’ll see you at the cinema at six o’clock.
2​ What did you do / were you doing for your last holiday?
3​ When did he get / will he get back from Russia?
4​ Katya didn’t run/ran , so she missed the bus 5​ Tai’s girlfriend loves dancing so/because they go to clubs very often.
6​ I think cars will fly/are going to fly in future.
7​ We finished our homework, but / so we’re going out for a walk.
8​ Who did you see / saw at the post office?
9​ Does your brother stay / Is your brother staying with you this weekend?
10​ Megan always is / is always late to school.
11​ I was sitting / sat on a bench when the bus arrived.
12​ Mr King will meet / is meeting someone at four, but he can see you at three.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) I ’ll  see you

2)   What did you do

3) When did he get

4) Run

5) So

6) Will fly

7) So

8) See

9) Is your brother

10) Is always

11) I was sitting

12)  Is meeting

1. i saw an accident this morning. a car crashed into a wall. a driver of the car was not hurt but the car was quite badly damaged. 2. when you turn into lipson road, you will see three houses: a red one, a blue one and a white one. i live in the white one. 3.it was warm and sunny, so we decided to sit in the garden. 4.this morning i had a boiled egg and toast for breakfast. 5.a president of the united states is elected every four years. 6. as i was walking along the street, i saw a £10 note on a pavement. 7. i went into the shop and asked to speak to the manager. 8.'have you got a car? ' 'no, i've never had a car in my life.' 9. there's no need to buy any milk. a milkman brings it every morning.

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