Это начало since the extreme sports craze (19) ... more then ten years ago , most risk addicts (20)... a jump off the top of a building and parachute jump , and now (21)... to new, more dangerouse sports. The list of life-endangering activities (22) ... longer if it (23)... on the screen and in newspapers. Next week millions of people around the world (24)... the sportspeople climbing up a mounting without the ropes and then rolling it down .​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. to put it mildly, he's not right. 2. these children are a pleasure to look at. 3. to put it shortly, he didn't pass the exam. 4. it is out of the question to buy a car this year. 5. my cousin is hard to deal with. 6. to tell you the truth, i don't like this. 7. my boss is hard to please.

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