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Our school of performing arts '________ (be) well-known for its variety of opportunities and this year, we *__ (offer) even more exciting and original courses in modern dance, drama and singing. One of our best-established music teachers * ____ (start) a new jazz group next term, and she * __ (take) this group on a European tour later in the year. All our instructors *_____ (be) talented and successful performers and © (have) recognized teaching certificates. We have a policy that we ?___ (not employ) anybody who *__ (not have) talent, commitment and enthusiasm. Lessons * (take) place every evening. They usually start at 7 p.m. and finish at 9 p.m. Students can also *@__ (have) lessons on Saturday mornings. We '!_____ (organize) two performances every year, but students '*___ (not have to) take part in these if they really '*___ (not want) to. There are plenty of opportunities backstage. Here is what some of our students and parents said: ‘T'm quite a shy person.I'*___ (not like) performing in front of other people. But after a term here, **___ (get) used to it andI **_____ (begin) to enjoy the stage. It's thanks to all my great teachers.’ Lucy, aged 15. ‘My daughter started dance lessons last term. She *7___ (seem) really happy and her teachers **__ (say) that she **______ (make) really good progress! She certainly 20_______ (love) going each week: Mrs Jones — her daughter, Jess, aged 4.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Our school of performing arts '________ (is) well-known for its variety of opportunities and this year, we *__ (are offerring) even more exciting and original courses in modern dance, drama and singing. One of our best-established music teachers * ____ (is starting) a new jazz group next term, and she * __ (will take) this group on a European tour later in the year. All our instructors *_____ (are) talented and successful performers and (have) recognized teaching certificates. We have a policy that we ___ (do not employ) anybody who *__ (does not have) talent, commitment and enthusiasm. Lessons * (take) place every evening. They usually start at 7 p.m. and finish at 9 p.m. Students can also *__ (have) lessons on Saturday mornings. We '_____ (organize) two performances every year, but students '*___ (do not have to) take part in these if they really '*___ (do not want) to. There are plenty of opportunities backstage. Here is what some of our students and parents said: ‘I'm quite a shy person. I'*___ (did not like) performing in front of other people. But after a term here, I *___ (got) used to it and I *_____ (began) to enjoy the stage. It's thanks to all my great teachers.’ Lucy, aged 15. ‘My daughter started dance lessons last term. She *___ (seems) really happy and her teachers *__ (say) that she **______ (is making) really good progress! She certainly 20_______ (loves) going each week: Mrs Jones — her daughter, Jess, aged 4.


a) am having b) have c) had d) has

2) The Queen (to live) in Buckingham Palace.

a) is living b) lives c) lived d) has lived

3) I (to phone) you tomorrow if you like.

a) phone b) phoned c) shall phone d) have phoned

4) John says he (to write) at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

a) writes b) wrote c) has written d) will be writing

5) How many cities you (to see) in Australia?

a) did ..see b) saw c) see d) have seen

6) I never (to be) to Italy.

a) was b) have been c) is d) shall be

7) Andrew asked if John (to see) any skyscrapers.

a) saw b) sees c) had seen d) will see

8) It (to be) cold last week

a) was b) is c) will be d) has been

9) My elder sister (to cook) the pie since 10 and it is not ready yet.

a) has cooked b) has been cooking c) cooked d) will cook

10) The group of tourists from France (to visit) St. Paul's Cathedral at 2 o'clock yesterday

a) was visiting b) visited c) had visited d) visits

II. Choose the right form of the possessive, personal and reflexive pronouns and complete the sentences

1) She gave me...phone number and I gave her

a) her, mine b) his, we c) yourself, his

2) John told.. about his new pet and I told about

a) her, mine b) me, mine c) she, her

3) Mary felt so unhappy that she threw...on the bed and cried.

a) himself b) yourself c) herself



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I can't come to the phone now. I (to have) a bath

a) am having b) have c) had d) has

2) The Queen (to live) in Buckingham Palace.

a) is living b) lives c) lived d) has lived

3) I (to phone) you tomorrow if you like.

a) phone b) phoned c) shall phone d) have phoned

4) John says he (to write) at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

a) writes b) wrote c) has written d) will be writing

5) How many cities you (to see) in Australia?

a) did ..see b) saw c) see d) have seen

6) I never (to be) to Italy.

a) was b) have been c) is d) shall be

7) Andrew asked if John (to see) any skyscrapers.

a) saw b) sees c) had seen d) will see

8) It (to be) cold last week

a) was b) is c) will be d) has been

9) My elder sister (to cook) the pie since 10 and it is not ready yet.

a) has cooked b) has been cooking c) cooked d) will cook

10) The group of tourists from France (to visit) St. Paul's Cathedral at 2 o'clock yesterday

a) was visiting b) visited c) had visited d) visits

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