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15 Invite your friends to do some things with you. Write down the sentences.
1. to play computer games Let's play computer games
2. to go to the gym
3. to do morning exercises
4. to swim in the swimming pool
5. to fly to Glasgow
6. to find some books to read
7. to drive to Clie Lake District
8. to eat healthy food
9. to look after the animals in the 200

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

2)Let's go to the gym!

3)Let's go to do morning exercises

4)Let's go to the swimming pool

5)Let's go to fly to Glasgow Unit

6)Let's go to find some books to read ho (что за хо?)

7)Let's go to drive to Clike Lake District

8)Let's go to eat healthy food

9)Let's go to look after the animals in the zoo


и подпишись не сложно же а мне приятно

На : -завтра будет субботник,посвящённый озеленению двора.придёшь? -если я не буду занят(а),обязательно приду! во сколько часов начнётся он? -время и место будет расклеено уже сегодня вечером. -хорошо,я обязательно просмотрю её. -не забудь,что надо иметь при себе. -а что надо взять с собой? -перчатки,несколько пластиковых пакетов и грабли. -. на : - tomorrow there will be the community work day devoted to gardening of the yard. you will come? - if i am not occupied (and), i will surely come! in how many hours it will begin? - time and place will be stuck already tonight. - well, i will surely see it. - don't forget that it is necessary to have at itself. - and what it is necessary to take with itself? - gloves, some plastic packages and rake. - thanks.как то

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