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Я попросил учителя мне. 8. Вчера меня попросили однокласснику
летом я научил сестру плавать
летом меня научили плавать./11. Вчера нам за-
давали много вопросов на уроке. 12. Я ответил на
все вопросы. 13. Учитель поставил мне хорошую
оценку. 14. Дома меня похвалили. 15. Эти пись-
ма принесли утром. 16. Мой велосипед купили з
году. 17. Эти орехи съели вчера. 18. Где
вы купили эту книгу? 19. Где купили эту книгу?
20. Когда сварили обед? 21. Когда разбили чашку?
22. Когда ты разбил чашку? 23. Что ему обещали?
24. Когда починили машину? 25. Когда исправили
ошибку? 26. Где вы родились? 27. Где вы учились
английскому языку? Кто обучал вас? перевод на английский язык​

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Ответы на вопрос:

I asked the teacher to help me. 8. Yesterday me

asked to help a classmate. 9. Past

in the summer, I taught my sister to swim 10. Past

I was taught to swim in the summer./11. Yesterday, we were-

we asked a lot of questions in the class. 12. I answered

all of the questions. 13. The teacher put me a good

assessment. 14. I was praised at Home. 15. These letters-

mA was brought in this morning. 16. My bike was bought by z

last year. 17. These nuts were eaten yesterday. 18. Where

did you buy this book? 19. Where did you buy this book?

20. When cooked lunch? 21. When broke a Cup?

22. When did you break the Cup? 23. What was promised to him?

24. When was the car repaired? 25. When fixed

error? 26. Where were you born? 27. Where did you study

English? Who taught you?

Free time? I do a lot of activities during my free time.Some of them are sports. For example, cycling around the neighbourhood, playing badminton with my brother and jogging round the park. Sometimes, I go swimming. You see, I love reading. I usually read novels or storybooks. The book I like the most is " The Magic Faraway Tree" that is written by Enid Blyton from England. I love that story. Next, after reading or sports, I draw and paint. I like arts, especially watercolors and oil paintings. I love the arts of the oil paintings artists. It is very beautiful. Lastly, just take a rest...

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Популярно: Английский язык