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1.5 года это сколько месяцев дней недель минут секунд

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1,5 г. = 18 мес. = 547 дней = 547 дней = 78,14 нед. = 787651,2 мин. = 47259072 сек.

1,5 года - 18 месяцев= 78,2 недели = 547,5 дней = 788400 минут = 47304000 секунд
4,8(32 оценок)

The country where we live is RussiaThe capital city of our country is Moscow.The people of our country are Russians.The language of our country is Russian.The natural riches are: Oil, gas, coal ...The places of interest are: Lake Baikal, island Kizhi, St. Peterburg.The cities and towns in our country are: Moscow, St. Peterburg, Volgograd.The sea, rivers, lakes around our country are: Ob, Yenisey, Caspian SeaThe mountains, hills, valleys around our country are: Elbrus, Kazbeu, Hibiny

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