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Now look at the above picture and ask and answer. 1. (Mother / wear / blue jumper?) is Mother wearing a blue joer?
(red jumper)
No, she isn't. She is wearing a rose
2. (John /write / a letter?)
3. (Jane I eat / a banana?)
(eat / apple)
4. (Grandfather / listen / radio?)
5. (dog / sleep / on the chair?)
(sleep / carpet)
6. (Father / watch TV?)
(he / sleep)

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Ответы на вопрос:

2. Is John writing a letter?

No, he is reading a book.

3. Is Jane eating a banana?

No, she is eating an apple.

4. Is grandfather listening to the radio?

No, he is watching TV.

5. Is dog sleeping on the chair?

No, it is sleeping on the carpet.

6. Is father watching TV?

No, he is cooking.

yes, it was a great game,wasn’t it ? holland were marvellous.

sue they will scarcely find it so easy against poland,will they ?

bob no, they won't. poland have got a good team,haven’t they?

peter lobak looks good, doesn’t he ? there was little the austrians could do to stop him, was there?

bob it'll be an interesting game,won’t it ?

sue england haven't been very good, have they?

bob luck hasn't been on our side,has he?

sue but why is bodger playing? he isn't very good,is he ?

peter he didn't play very well against peru, did he ?

bob he hardly plays as well now as he used to, does he?

sue he used to be fantastic,didn’t he?

peter well, we should beat nigeria, shouldn’t we?

sue i don't know. anything could happen,couldn’t it?

bob the west germans are good,aren’t they ?

they don't take any risks, do they ?

peter they're playing hungary tonight. you'll be watching, won’t you ?

bob yes, of course

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