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Поставьте предложения в Past Simple. 1. It is the time to relax, have fun, and do things around the house. 2. They go out for dinner, to the movies, concerts, or plays. 3. They paint, clean attics and basements, rake leaves, do laundry, and wash cars. 4. They visit friends, invite people to come over to dinner, or go to the movies, the theatre, or a sporting event. 5. People go to church on Sunday. 6. They read a newspaper, and eat a late breakfast called “brunch”. 7. When the weather is nice, you see many families at the zoo or in parks. 8. During the winter, many people spend Sunday afternoons at theatres, museums or shopping malls. 9. Many families have a big dinner on Sunday afternoons. 10. On Sunday evenings, people stay home and prepare for the week ahead.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 - вместо is - was

2- вместо go - went

3 - painted, cleaned, did

4 - visited, invited, go=went

5- go = went

6- eat = ate

7- is = was , see = saw

8 - spenT ( не spenD)

9 - have = had

10 - stay = stayed , prepare = prepared


Нужно заменить слова и все в шоколаде ;)

2)Have you ever flown a kite?

3)I have just opened it .(здесь вместо empty должно быть open)

4)Simon went to the theatre last week.

5)Did you eat all the chocolate last week?

6)Have you ever worn your new hat yet?

7)I drunk twelve glasses of water yesterday.

8)Dora has visited 5countries so far

9)Did you come to work by bus yesterday?

10)Did you go to Samantha's party last Saturday?

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