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Линда и Пит обсуждают, откуда приехали гости станции Radio 121. Вставьте слова из
рамки в диалог,
from Czech woman he's Who
They're she's is
PETE: So, Jana is from the
LINDA: Yes. Now where is Andrew from? Is he
PETE: No, actually,
from Scotland.
is Maria?
PETE: She's the
from Hungary
Sandra from Hungary?
PETE: Yes,
from Hungary too.
both from Hungary.

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Ответы на вопрос:

In my school i can learn foreign languages as chinese and english languages. we all have english lessons since first grade and we all know it pretty well. i think its very important for us to learn these languages because they are international languages and i think everyone should know them to survive in this world. i started learning english since 1st grade when i started going to school. that`s why i know basic words and know how to make sentences out of these words. at our english lessons we usually do some   exercises and then we talk so we can have a good pronunciation later on. after that if we still have time we play games. in english, of course. i find learning english very difficult, because first of all its a complete different language comparing to russian. and learning verbs and words can be very excausting. you can get bored or you can just forget about learning them but then you realize that its for your future so you repea them again and again. to improve your english i would highly recommend watching movies you`ve seen a lot of times in english. you will already know what they are saying and you can still improve your language. after a few months you can start watching movies you haven`t seen at all in english and i swear you will understand at least what they are discussing. i think people nowadays are  trying  to learn english so bad because almost all of them now have a chance to live abroad, work or study there and no matter where you are you are going to need english. i would also like to learn spanish or french languages because   i think they are very   beautiful. as i said before the most effective thing to do while studying any language is to watch movies you have already seen in this language. 

Популярно: Английский язык