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Английский плез 13. T.S. Eliot said his notebook, which he gave to a friend, should never be published. His wishes…overturned by his widow. a) has been b) is c) have been d) is being
14. Judge A.G….for being soft towards defendants a) is not known b) didn’t know c) hasn’t known d) haven’t been known
15. The US dollar…sharply against the yen in recent weeks. a) rise b) has risen c) will rise d) are rising
16. She has been constructively dismissed. “The situation is such that I…obliged to go”, she said. a) am being b) were being c) has been d) will
17. The companies were able to operate more trains than they…originally…because some staff ignored the strike. a) was estimated b) are estimated c) are estimating d) has estimated
18. Ten hunger strikes who…no solids for 50 days were taken to hospital a) was eaten b) has eaten c) will eat d) had eaten
19. The Prince of Wales said yesterday that English…”so bloody badly” that even his own office staff could not speak or write the language properly. a) had taught b) is teaching c) was teaching d) was taught
20. The last fifteen years…dramatic changes in goods and financial markets in Europe. a) will see b) has seen c) were seen d) have seen
21. Over the last few decades buildings…in quality. a) rises b) has risen c) have been rising d) will rise
22. He decided that he would not look at his watch till he…twenty pages. a) had read b) reads c) has read d) would read
23. Yesterday workers…overwhelmingly against taking industrial action. a) has voted b) were voted c) voted d) would vote
24. Do you think he will jail you when he…to power? a) is coming b) comes c) will come d) came
25. Since its inception, VOA Europe has come a long way and is emerging as an exciting approach as the world political and economic map… a) is being redrawn b) is redrawn c) had redrawn d) were redrawn
26. I…your daily programs for quite a long time and I compliment you for impartiality in treading every subject – social, economic, or political. a) was followed b) am following c) have been following d)was following
27. Russians…for their creativity and I find these people really are. a) have known b) knew c) was known d) are known
28. But his bank…greatly since the crisis began. a) has suffered b) is suffering c) was suffered d) has been suffered
29. A group of shareholders announced that they…their own meeting on August 8. a) has had b) had c) will have d) had had
30. During the first Gulf War he faced what was the most difficult test of his entire career: whether to keep the company up and running or close the operations until the crisis… a) passes b) has passed c) will pass d) passed
31. Last month Aviation Company announced it…its flights by 3 percent a) will cut back b) had cutback c) is cutting back d) has cut back

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. What time do you get up?
2. How do you get to school?
3. What is Sarah’s like school?
4. Are you learning anything at Sarah’s house?
5. What do you miss on the farm?
6. What time do you have breakfast?
7. Where are you going today?
8. Is different Annabel’s school from yours?
9. How do you feel in London?

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