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1)Вставьте нужное притяжательное местоимение I hope to buy . . . own car one day. a) her b) his c) my 2)Вставьте верную форму оборота there + to be . . . a fridge and a gas-range in the kitchen. a) there are b) there is 3) Выберите верный предлог времени The train leaves . . . 15 minutes. a) in b) at c) during 4) Выберите верный предлог направления Pete goes . . . the stadium three times a week. a) in b) to c) into 5) Вставьте нужный артикль I had . . . apple before lunch. . . . apple was not very ripe. a) a, the b) the, a c) an, the 6)Выберите правильное вопросительное слово … do you live? a) where b) who c) what 7)Вставьте нужное неопределенное местоимение There is not . . . sugar in the sugar bowl. a) many b) much c) few 8. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного My friend is . . . than me. a) tall b) taller c) the tallest 9. Вставьте глагол в простом времени They . . . to Moscow last Monday. a) came b) come c) coming 10. Вставьте глагол в будущем простом времени She … in a workshop next Tuesday. a) works b) worked c) will work

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. I hope to buy my own car one day.

2. There are a fridge and a gas-range in the kitchen.

3. The train leaves in 15 minutes.

4. Pete goes to the stadium three times a week.

5. I had an apple before lunch. The apple was not very ripe.

6. Where do you live?

7. There is not much sugar in the sugar bowl.

8. My friend is taller than me.

9. They came to Moscow last Monday.

10. She will work in a workshop next Tuesday.

Can you open the window? can i do this? can you swim? you may do this. you may open the window you may not sit down. he couldn't do it. she couldn't do her homework. they couldn't go to street. i can swim.

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