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Кто действительно хорош в английском и может объяснить, посмотрите. Choose the correct variant: He ... for me for 20 minutes at the entrance to the theatre. 1.Has been waiting 2. Has waited Complete the sentence: I ... the symphony many times before. 1.Had heard 2. Have heard Choose the correct variant: I felt somebody ... my shoulders. 1.patting 2.is patting Choose the right variant: What.. .in your briefcase? 1.There is. 2. Is there. ___ of people came to the concert. 1.Thousands 2.The thousands Choose the right variant: The ... sun was hidden by clouds. 1. rising 2. risen Choose the right variant: There is ... apple and ... orange on ... plate 1. an / an / the 2.an / an / a Complete the sentence: My mother told me ... more quietly. 1.To talk 2.If I would talk ( это вопрос легкий, но меня уверяют что второй правильный. Разве так?)

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We never make him do housework. what do you do? i am a doctor. i often make many mistakes in tests. i don’t want you to do me a favour. do you do any sports? yes, i do gymnastics.

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