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Замените прямую речь косвенной. 1. The Master said to the Chief Mate: "Give те the radiogram please."

2. The teacher said to us: "Sit down."

3.Мr Grey said to the children: "Don't make such noise, please."

4. The old man said to те: "Will уоu, please, help mе cross the street?"

5. Аnn said to her husband: "Please, don't smoke here."

6. The teacher said to us: "Ореn your books and read the text ."

7. The teacher said to the cadets: "Don't translate the text into Russian."

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. The Master told Chief Mate to give the radiogram

2. The teacher told us to sit down

3. Мr. Grey told the children not to make such noise

4. The old man asked me if I would help him cross the street

5. Аnn told her husband not to smoke there

6. The teacher told us to oреn our books and read the text

7. The teacher told the cadets not to translate the text into Russian

known - unknown

rude - polite

happy - unhappy

smart - stupid

friendly - unfriednly 

pleasant - unpleasant

beautiful - unbeautiful 

possible - impossible

noisy -  noiseless

formal - informal

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