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3.Выполнить грамматическое задание. Выбрать правильный вариант ответа и вставить его в предложение. 1. “Her name’s Olga. She__________ eighty years old.”

a) is b) am c) have d) got

2. “Is he a worker?” “ No, __________ .”

a) he not b) it isn't c) he doesn't d) he isn’t

3. Anton and Sveta are __________ people.

a) teachers b) nice c) long d) intelligent

4. Her brother __________ like to go to college.

a) doesn’t b) don't c) not d) hasn't

5. Sveta and me __________.

a) like rock both b) both like rock c) both rock like d) like both rock

6. We __________ the Beatles last year, but now I do.

a) not like b) don't like c) didn’t like d) didn't liked

7. __________ coffee in the cup.

a) it is any b) there is any c) there is some d) there are some

8. Granny __________ me to buy some bread from the shop.

a) said b) told c) say to d) told to

9. Have you __________ been to Rome?

a) often b) never c) usually d) ever

10. Natasha didn't meet __________ friends in the street.

a) none b) any c) someone d) a

11. “__________ you speak Spanish Ivan?” “Yes, a little.”

a) have b) has c) can d) are

12. “We can see an interesting film __________ Thursday night.”

a) on b) in c) at d) of

13. “Oh, I __________ this Sunday.”

a) am work b) work c) am working d) be working

14. “5th Element __________ to be shown at the weekend.”

a) have b) can c) is going d) will

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 a

2 d

3 b

4 a

5 b (Sveta and I — так правильно. В вашем задании ошибка, местоимение me не может быть подлежащим)

6 с

7 c

8 b

9 d

10 b

11 c

12 a

13 c

14 c

cheating  lessons  from the internet  is one  of the most difficult  challenges  for teachers.  students  think that  writing off, they will  know everything.  however,  it is not.cheating  is deteriorating  memory,  lost  self-control  student.  so  are the studentsexperiencing  problems with  school performance,  and so  it turns out that  cheatingteachers.  these days,  copying  from the internet  is one  of the main problems  of modern education,  which  teachers  have to fight.  well,  i advise  students  not  to write off from  the internet  stupid, and  think with your head.

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