Есть ответ 👍

Откройте скобки, поставив слова в подходящую грамматическую форму 6. What ………. your cousin’s name? (be)
7. …………. his parents got a car? (have)
8. I believe Greece is ……………………….. than Italy. (beautiful)
9. They ……………………. at the same University. (work)
10. ……………… you ……………….. your relatives last summer? (visit)
11. What instrument ……………………………..? I don’t know this one. (they/play)
12. When we ………………. (come) to the cinema the film …………….(already/start).
13. What ………………you………………… when I called you yesterday? (do)
14. Annie ……………………………….. a new house (move/already).
15. How long ……………………………………… (you/paint) the house?
16. I can’t go outside as I ………………………………….. (take a bath / just).
17. Where are my keys? I suppose I ………………… them yesterday in the park (lose).
18. If you ………… (not/do) your homework again, I ……………… (call) your parents!
19. By the end of the week we …………………… (write) the report.
20. They ………………………………… (do) everything by next Sunday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)you were at home last night? 2)where the children were yesterday? 3)what was on tv last night? 4)was the shop open?

Популярно: Английский язык