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Прочтите и письменно переведите текст. BUCKINGHAM PALACE. > Tourists visiting London are usually eager to see Buckingham Palace, the official London residence of the Queen and the King. The house was bought by George III in 1762 from the Duke of Buckingham from whom it takes the name. Queen Victoria was the first to make the Palace official residence of the Sovereign. In front of the Palace stands the Queen Victoria Memorial. Within the Palace are the magnificent crystal and gold Throne room, Picture Gallery, Ball Room and many others. The colourful ceremony of changing the Guard before the Palace is of great interest for a newcomer. The Guardsmen in their red*coats and bearskin caps march behind the Drum Major and the Band. Whenever the Irish Guards are responsible for the guard duties at Buckingham Palace an Irish wolfhound appears on regimental ceremonial parades and marches at the head of the band. II. К подчеркнутому в тексте, предложению составьте все возможные вопросы (не. менее 7). III. Выпишите из текста одно многосложное прилагательное и напишите его во всех трех степенях сравнения. IV. В предложении In front of the Palace stands the Queen Victoria Memorial, определите видовременную форму глагола и напишите это предложение в двух других временах этой группы и залога. V. Выпишите из текста* предложения, в которых есть Participle I или Participle II и определите их функцию.

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