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( Больше НЕТ Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами. Прочитайте предложения и определите функцию причастия в них. 1. All the people who live in this house are students of Agribusiness Department. 2. The man who is speaking now is the head of the company. 3. As he now felt more at ease the man spoke in a louder voice. 4. You must know the needs of the customers when you are going to market a new product. 5. Since he thought that it was the best idea we followed his peace of advice. 6. There are many factors that influence the decision to buy a certain product. 7. When you begin to compare Russian and American agriculture, don’t forget to consider the geographic position of both countries. 8. We started to explore the new technology carefully as we had little information about it. 9. When they were visiting the conference workshops the managers got much interesting information on advertising the new product. 10. The young man who helps the professor in his experiment is the student of our University.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.she goes to school

2.he goes at home

3.she goes to a cinema.

4.they are a tough team that always goes for the jugular

5.captain jones goes for his pistol

6.peter goes for cold beer and beautiful women

7.she goes to a lesson.

8.he goes hunting wild boar or saber-toothed tiger for food

9.he goes along with the girl

10.he goes frightening people with his stories


1.he does not change much

2.it does not satisfy me

3.it looks rather old, does it not

4.kathleen does not like the photograph

5.my mind does not change

6.the portrait does not come near the original

7.poetry does not translate easily

8.he does more than his share of the work

9.he does not see my point

10.she likes him but does not love him

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