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a) young b) younger c) the youngest
2 May is not as …. as July.
a) hot b) hotter c) the hottest
3 History is ….. than Biology.
a) difficulter b) more difficult c) the most difficult
4 Russia is …. country in the world.
a) the most large b) largest c) the largest
5 I am as ….. as my friend.
a)tall b) taller c) the tallest
6 The tent is …. .
a) the baddest b) worse c) the worst
7 The book is …. than the film.
a) interestinger b) interesting c) more interesting
8 My backpack is not as …. as yours.
a) heavy b) heavier c) the heaviest
9 … Everest is …. mountain in the world.
a) The, the highest b) -, the highest c) the, higher
10 …. Lake Baikal is ….. lake.
a) the, deeper b) -, deepest c) -, the deepest

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Ответы на вопрос:

1b 2b 3b 4c 5b 6c 7c 8b 9b 10c

1. she (learns) english. 2. we ( like) music. 3. my cousin (is) a pupil. she ( goes) to school. 4. does peter ( do) his lessons every evening? 5. do they ( live) in this house? 6. after supper my little brother ( goes) for a walk. 7. we (do not walk) to school every morning. 8. do you ( wash) your car once a month? 9. we ( spend) our holidays in poland. 10. he (does not hope) to get there. 11. she ( goes) to the cinema twice a month. 12. mike (does not live) near the theatre. 13. he always (invites) his friends to his birthday party. 14. we ( drink) coffee every morning.

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