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2. Вставьте подходящий артикль в предложение Не hasn’t got ___ car. a) an b) – c) a d) the
3. Образуйте превосходную степень сравнения прилагательного clever a) clever b) cleverer c) the cleverest d) the most clever
4. My dad (go) to work by a car every day. a) go b) will go c) went d) goes
5. Образуйте множественное число от слова tooth a) toothes b) tooths c) teeths d) teeth
6. Вставьте подходящий артикль в предложение She has two ___ daughters and one ___ son. a) -, - c) the, the b) a, a d) -, a
7. Выберите правильную степень сравнения. My mum thinks that cats are ___ than pets than dogs. a) the best b) better c) more better d) more good
8. Укажите предложение, в котором числительное является порядковым: a) Barbara needs six ingredients for her cake. b) Jane`s mother bought twenty-eight oranges. c) There are three ways to his house. d) The third test was easy.
9. Вставьте местоимение в предложение Are there __ pens on the desk? — Yes, there are ___. a) any, some b) some, some c) any, any d) some, any
10. Поставьте правильное местоимение This is __ house. ___ built it ourselves. a) we, our b) our, we c) we,we d) our,our
11. Найди верное числительное 765 a) seven hundred sixty-five b) seven hundreds sixty-five c) seven hundred sixty d) seven hundred fifty
12. Вставьте местоимение в предложение Is there _________at home? a) somebody b) anybody c) some d) any
13. Вставьте числительное в предложение She was _________ to tell about it. a) two b) twoth c) the second d) secondth
14. Вставьте местоимение в предложение Are there _________ new students in your group? a) any b) - c) some d) somebody
15. Образуйте превосходную степень сравнения прилагательного good a) goodest b) better c) the best d) the most good
16. I always (to go) to the college by bus. a) will go c) go b) goes d) went
17. Dinosaurs _________ many years ago. a) lived b) lives c) will live d) live
18. I ______ to a travel agency next week. a) goes b) will go c) went d) go
19. I _______ two good marks in English two days ago. a) get b) gets c) will get d) got
20. Он часто приносит мне цветы. a) He often brings me flowers. b) He often bring me flowers. c) He often will bring me flowers. d) He often brought me flowers.
21. What _______you ______ for your last birthday? a) will, get b) did, got c) were, get d) did, get
22. I ______ to bed at ten o'clock every day. a) goes b) go c) will go d) went
23. I (not to go) to the cinema every day. a) doesn’t go b) don’t go c) doesn’t goes d) won’t go
24. I always __________ to the Altai Mountains to visit my relatives there. a) goes b) went c) go d) will go
25. Yesterday he _________ his face at a quarter past seven. a) washed b) washes c) will wash d) wash
26. Bob ____________ a letter tomorrow. a) will write b) writes c) wrote d) write
27. We ______________ snowballs last winter. a) will play b) played c) play d) plays
28. Five months ago I ____________ in the river. a) will swim b) swim c) swims d) swam
29. Jim and Jill __________ to fly a kite every summer. a) like b) liked c) likes d) will like
30. What ______ you _______ tomorrow? a) did, do b) was, do c) will, do d) are, do

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. d
2. c
3. c
4. d
5. d
6. a
7. b
8. d
9. a
10. b
11. a
12. b
13. c
14. a
15. c
16. c
17. a
18. b
19. d
20. a
21. d
22. b
23. b
24. c
25. a
26. a
27. b
28. d
29. a
30. c

1) He decided to offer me a better position at the comapany.

2) My friends didn't know where to study for the exam.

3) She came to Israel to visit her grand-parents.

4) Ana refused to study for the quiz tomorrow.

5) Diana managed to find time to do groceries.

6) I expected to arrive at the location within the next 30 minutes.

7) Alex couldn't remember how to get to the national museum.


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