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Английский. *Заполните пропуски в тексте нужной формой причастия (чувства или описание)
A young man fell in love with another
passenger on a long-distance flight - and then got
the airline to help him find her.
For many people the flight to Australia
is long and (1)boring (bore), but not for Abbie and
Callum Davies -because that’s where they first
‘She was sitting next to me,’ said Callum. ‘I felt
(2)________ (relax) talking to her and we got on really well. We chattedall the way to Sydney
and it was (3)________ (surprise) how quicklythe time went. Everyone else on the plane
was asleep, but not us. We didn’t feel (4) ________ (tire) at all.’But after the flight he
realised he’d forgotten to get her phone number. ‘I was really (5)________ (depress),’ he
said, ‘so I contacted the airline. To be honest, itwas quite (6)_________ (embarrass). I thought
they might be(7)_________ (amuse) but I think they felt sorry for me. I gave them her
seatnumber, and waited.’
Abbie, too, was feeling sad. ‘I was (8)_________ (annoy) with myself fornot getting his
number,’ she said, ‘though I was also a bit (9)___________(disappoint) he didn’t ask me for
mine. I thought he wasn’t really (10)___________(interest) in seeing me again. So I was
(11)__________(amaze) when the airline phoned to ask if I wanted to call Callum. I was so
(12)__________(excite) that I phoned him the same day, and we had our firstdate that weekend.
We got married and we’re very happy together.’

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2) 2. novel 3.blurb

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