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1. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам 1.We are writing a new test
2.He translated this text last week
3.They come to the University every week day
4.He has seen this film
5.The test was written by our group last week
1.They are going to the University
2.They saw John two days ago
3.He delivers his lecture on Mondays
4.Our students have attended this lecture
5.These texts were translated two days ago

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Ответы на вопрос:

They live

They work

Look, she is playing...

She does not go to school

She does not work

She loves

She is cutting her Roses now

Они живут

Они работают

Смотри, она играет сейчас

Она не ходит в школу

Она не работает...

Она любит

Сейчас она обрезает свои розы...

Популярно: Английский язык