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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple Passive: 1. The house (to build) two years ago. 2. We (wake up) by a telephone call. 3. The vase (to buy) in Spain last summer. 4. Paper (to invent) in China. 5. We (not to ask) a lot of questions at the lesson yesterday. 6. I (to give) a book for my birthday. 7. She (not to invite) to the party. 8. 'Romeo and Juliet' (to write) by W. Shakespeare. 9. His car (to repair) yesterday. 10. His articles (to publish) last month.

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Ответы на вопрос:

was built, woke up, was bought, was invented/ didn't ask, was given, wasn't invited, was written, was repaird, was published


1. The house WAS BUILT two years ago.

2. We WERE WOKEN UP by a telephone call.

3. The vase WAS BOUGHT in Spain last summer.

4. Paper WAS INVENTED in China.

5. We WERE NOT ASKED a lot of questions at the lesson yesterday.

6. I WAS GIVEN a book for my birthday.

7. She WAS NOT INVITED to the party.

8. 'Romeo and Juliet' WAS WRITTEN by W. Shakespeare.

9. His car WAS REPAIRED yesterday.

10. His articles  WERE PUBLISHED  last month.

1) we shall play baseball if we have our p.e. lesson tomorrow.

2)they will go to the cinema when mother buys tickets.

3)jane will take this medicine if she has headache.

4)i'll read this book when i take it in the school library.

5)the boys will go with us if they do their homework.

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