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Choose the correct preposition 1. Our shop is open … (in/at/from) 9 a.m. … (at/till/for) 6 p.m.

2. Mary got up … (in/on/at) 05 a.m. a day before yesterday.

3. Our children stay in the swimming-pool … (at/for/on) two hours.

4. We have to go … (in/on/at) 6 o’clock.

5. We met your teacher … (in/on/at) Friday morning

6. Her husband never works … (in/on/at) weekends.

7. Tolstoy was born … (in/on/at) 1828.

8. My friend’s birthday is … (in/on/at) the 7th of January.

9. My cousin has been working in this famous company … (since/ in/ at) 2005.

10. Jack wants to go to Africa … (during/for/before) the long cold winter.

11. I hope to buy this yacht … (in/on/at) the future.

12. Renate was going to the library …(at/after/on) classes.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Our shop is open FROM 9 a.m. TILL 6 p.m.

2. Mary got up AT 05 a.m. a day before yesterday.

3. Our children stay in the swimming-pool FOR two hours.

4. We have to go AT 6 o’clock.

5. We met your teacher ON Friday morning.

6. Her husband never works AT weekends.

7. Tolstoy was born IN 1828.

8. My friend’s birthday is ON the 7th of January.

9. My cousin has been working in this famous company SINCE 2005.

10. Jack wants to go to Africa DURING / BEFORE (оба варианта возможны) the long cold winter.

11. I hope to buy this yacht IN the future.

12. Renate was going to the library AFTER classes.

1 From

2 At

3 For

4 At

5 On

6 At

7 In

8 On

9 Since

10 Before

11 In

12 After

Just a quick e-mail to say thank you for organising the monaco grand prix hospitality event. everyone who took part in (1) the event thoroughly enjoyed looking around (2) the city and the grand prix itself. our clients were looked after (3) very well by your events team. i`m afraid i am going to have to turn down (4) your kind offer of free tickets for the film premiere as i have another engagement that night. however, we would like to take up (5) your offer of organising our corporate events next year. we are all really looking forward to (6) discussing your proposals.

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