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USE OF ENGLISH № 1. Complete the sentences, use a(an), the or zero article. Jack bought … CD player, but … CD player didn’t work. We knew he was … foreigner because he spoke with a strange accent. Who’s … boy standing by … piano? What … pleasant voice! … moon moves round … earth. They lived in … North of England. Thank you for … work that you’ve done. My father started learning … French when he was at … school. It happened in … small town in Wales. It’s not … difficult job, but very interesting. At what time do you usually have … breakfast? … dinner they gave us yesterday was very good! What do you want me to cook for … supper? It was … fine April morning. It was … unusually cold day for … summer. №2. See how you remember some phrasal verbs: Take the dictionary and look … this word in it, please. a) after; b) for; c) up 2. It’s 11 o’clock. It’s time to get … to work! a) down; b) on; c) out 3. in the winter, the water turned … ice. a) into; b) over; c) up 4. Sam walked along the road and didn’t turn … . a) down; b) around; c) on 5. Run … the house and bring my other coat, please. a) over; b) out; c) into 6. They set … early the next morning. a) about; b) out/off; c) to 7. I could do … a sandwich, I’m hungry. a) up; b) away with; c) with 8. The dress I bought is too small for me, do think I should take it … to the shop? a) back; b) off; c) down №3. Look at the sentences below and decide which of them belongs to which time: Present Past Future 1. Simple Present 2. Simple Past 3. Simple Future 4. Present Continuous 5. Past Continuous 6. Future Continuous 7. Present Perfect 8. Past Perfect 9. Future Perfect 10. Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous 12. Future Perfect Continuous George usually spends his weekend with his granny. I’m tried because I have got up very early today. We will meet you again next Sunday. I have been waiting you for forty minutes! e) You were talking with that boy 10 minutes ago. f) I couldn’t eat anything as I had had a huge meal before. g) If you are going to the shop, can I go with you? h) I hope that tomorrow at this time he will be driving his car on the way to London. i) Don’t worry, I posted your letter yesterday morning. j) Nick will have been travelling for 3 weeks by this time next month. №4. Make the plural form of these nouns: A video, a zoo, a mouse, a dodo, a ski, a comedy, a roof, a woman, a leaf, a deer, a hero. №1. Choose the right word to complete the sentences: 1) We are only four. Our (elder/older) son couldn’t come. 2) Many (fruit/fruits) taste sweet: pears, peaches, melons. 3) A young child has a small (Vocabulary/dictionary).4) Do you live in a (house / home) or a flat?5) Ann finished school with a (gold/golden) medal. 6) The page 234 is (last/ the last) page in this book.7) I always enjoy (gold/golden) colors of November. 8)Let’s have a break and (do/make) some tea or coffee. 9) There are many pencils in the box. You can take (any/either). №2. Find the extra word in each group and write it out: 1) adverb, verb, noun, point, adjective 2) him, her, my, we, its, their 3) then, finally, first, at last, such, later on 4) most cheerful, the slimmest, the wisest, more curios, most attractive 5) white ice, coal black, turtle green, blood red, blue sky.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 They seem.......

2 We heard Mr. Smith's voice.(We heard the voice of Mr.Smith)

3 I will explain.....

4 I have just read.....

5 They taught.......

6 I can't agree with him.

1 Does he walk........

2. What are you talking about?

I don't understand you.

3. Did you finish.......

4. My friend doesn't like.......

5. I had never seen snow........

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