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II. Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense. 1. I never _____________ (lend) a friend a large amount of money, because I always _____________ (think) it would almost certainly be the end of the friendship. But one day I _____________ (have) a very good reason for borrowing money myself. I _____________ (need) an urgent operation. 2. We think of democracy as a modern invention, but in fact the world's most perfect democracy probably _____________ (exist) in Ancient Athens in 500 B.C. - if you _____________ (be) not a woman or a slave. 3. Two French architects - Frederic Augusta Bartholdi and Alexander Gustave Eiffel _____________ (design) and _____________ (build) in Paris the Statue of Liberty which has stood on Liberty Island in New York Island since 1886. 4. My brother _____________ (work) in a bank for about five years, and actually he wasn't very ambitious or career-minded. Then a new manager _____________ (persuade) him to take the job more seriously, so he _____________ (start) studying to become a manager himself. For five years he _____________ (go) to evening classes to get qualifications he needed... but it was worth it. 5. It (snow) when I (get up) this morning. The children next door _____________ (make) a snowman. I quickly (put on) my warm clothes and _____________ (race) outside to help them. 6. Ann was worn out. The baby _____________ (cough) all night and she _____________ (not to get) any sleep. 7. Our team _____________ (play) really well. We _____________ (win) at half time, but in the end we _____________ (lose). 8. Kate was a successful model before she _____________ (become) a teacher. She _____________ (earn) a lot of money for a few years but then she _____________ (give) it all up for the classroom. 9. When my mother _____________ (come) downstairs this morning, she couldn't believe her eyes. We _____________ (do) all the washing-up and _____________ (made) breakfast for her. We _____________ (work) for an hour before she _____________ (wake up). 10. Imagine my delight when I _____________ (do) really well in all my exams! My childhood dream _____________ (come) true and I _____________ (become) a student of the university.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i am sorry that you do not read english novels; if you (read) them, i (would lend) you some very interesting ones. 2. you say that you did not read yesterday's papers; if you (had read) them, you (would have seen) the announcement of professor х's coming to our town. 3. не is not ill: if he (were) ill, he (wouldn't play) tennis so much. 4. не was not ill last week: if he (had been) ill, he (wouldn't have taken) part in the football match. 5. how slippery it is! if it (didn't rain), it (wouldn't be) so slippery. 6. i am glad i was able to attend the lecture yesterday. (would you have been) displeased if i (hadn't come)? 7. let's take а taxi to the railway station: we have а lot of luggage. if we (didn't have) so much luggage, we (would walk). 8. stop working and let's go inside: it is too dark. if the evening (weren't) sо dark, we (would continue) the work. 9. i don't believe you: you only say that you want to know languages. if you (were) really interested in languages, you (would study) them.

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