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Выпишите из текста предложения с модальными глаголами и переведите их. Every person wants to choose the right profession, because the largest part of life is connected with some occupation. When the person enjoys what he is doing, we say he took the right path. Most teenagers are worried about the final exams and career choice, as they understand how important this decision is for their future life. There are certainly many interesting and worthy professions in the modern world, but I think that people should choose what’s best for them. As far as I know, there are too many managers, accountants and lawyer in our country. So it is difficult to find an office job. I am not afraid of hard work. And I want to be a demanded specialist. So I decided to become a welder. Welders fuse metallic parts together. They use electric arc or gas torch. They work in many industries such as construction and manufacture of machinery. But I heard that welders in oil and gas sector have the highest wages. It requires extremely high temperature to melt the metal. So it can be dangerous to work without proper precautions. It is necessary to wear protective clothing and helmet. Welders need both dexterity and deep technical knowledge. They have to know properties of metals and gases as well as the principles of operation of the equipment they use. That is why I carefully study physics and chemistry. I am going to go to college after the ninth grade of school. Surely the job has some health risks. Some welders get vision problems because of the bright light or asthma because of the industrial dust. But I believe that modern personal protective equipment prevents it. Talented specialists perform artistic welding of fences, figures, decorations for buildings. So the job may be also creative. I hope I will learn to do it too. So, I am pretty sure that I’ve made a right choice.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. There are certainly many interesting and worthy professions in the modern world, but I think that pe ople should choose what’s best for them. - В современном мире, конечно, много интересных и достойных профессий, но я думаю, что каждый должен выбирать то, что для него лучше всего.

2. So it can be dangerous to work without proper precautions. - Поэтому может быть опасно работать без надлежащих мер предосторожности.

3.  So the job may be also creative. - Так что работа может быть и творческой.

4.  I hope I will learn to do it too. - Я надеюсь что тоже этому научусь. (Will - это форма будущего времени, дословного перевода в предложении нет, но означает действие в будущем)

5. They have to know properties of metals and gases as well as the principles of operation of the equipment they use. - Они должны знать свойства металлов и газов, а также принципы работы используемого ими оборудования.


laboratory work

Topic: "Long

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