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Complete the sentences using reported speech. Example: ‘Do you want to go or not?’ He asked me if / whether I wanted to go. 1 ‘Have you been to Beijing?’ He asked me if I ________ to Beijing. 2 ‘We’ve bought some ice cream.’ They told me that they________ some ice cream. 3 ‘I’ll give you a ride to the station.’ She said she ________ give me a ride to the station. 4 ‘What are their names?’ She asked me what their names ________. 5 ‘We interviewed ten people this morning.’ They said they ________ ten people that morning. 6 ‘We’re having a huge sale next month.’ They told us they ________ a huge sale the following month. 7 ‘Are you watching the tennis?’ My neighbour asked us ________ we were watching the tennis. 8 ‘Don’t waste your money on that rubbish!’ The man told me ________ waste my money on that rubbish. 9 ‘We may not have that in stock at the moment.’ The shop assistant said they ________ have it in stock at the moment. 10 ‘I must be back by 9 p.m.’ She said she ________ be back by 9 p.m.

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Question Forms and Reported Speech

Word order

Normal word order is used in reported questions, that is, the subject comes before the verb, and it is not necessary to use 'do' or 'did':


Direct speech Indirect speech

"Where does Peter live?" She asked him where Peter lived.

"Where are you going?" She asked where I was going.

"Why is she crying?" He asked why she was crying.

Yes / no questions

This type of question is reported by using 'ask' + 'if / whether' + clause:


Direct speech Indirect speech

"Do you speak English?" He asked me if I spoke English.

"Are you British or American?" He asked me whether I was British or American.

"Is it raining?" She asked if it was raining.

"Have you got a computer?" He wanted to know whether I had a computer.

"Can you type?" She asked if I could type.

"Did you come by train?" He enquired whether I had come by train.

"Have you been to Bristol before?" She asked if I had been to Bristol before.

Question words

This type of question is reported by using 'ask' (or another verb like 'ask') + question word + clause. The clause contains the question, in normal word order and with the necessary tense change.


ответ:äjäjjsäjsçýjoa äijisç jsiäünç däiçfäňöş


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