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Зверніть увагу на наступні теми: утворення ступенів порівняння прикметників, вживання різних часових форм дієслів та види 1. Types of questions. 1.You read adventure books in summer. 2. The children are eating ice-cream in the garden. 3. Tom knows some wonderful poems. 2. Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Complicated, amazing, difficult, easy, wide, tender, beautiful, hot, big, little

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Ответы на вопрос:

ii. choose the correct item.1. he filled in his name, signed the contract and………it to the secretary.a gave   2. he was soaked to the skin because the rain.  c had been walking3. joseph in the garden since eight this morning.  b has been digging   4. new film yet?   b have you seen   5. a waiter until he finds a better job.a is working   iii. turn from direct into reported speech.3. they said that they weren't doing the following week.5. she said to me that she couldn't out that night.8. he said that he had forgotten pay the bill.9. mary said that the sun rose in the east.10. she said to me that they had been drought a present.iv. write passive sentences.2. a speech will be given by the president tomorrow.  10. bread is made from wheat.

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