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Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст устно. In the 15th century, Italian inventor Leonardo da Vinci envisaged possibilities for power-driven vehicles. By the late 17th century, English physicist Sir Isaac Newton had proposed a steam carriage. And by the late 18th century French army captain Nicholas-Joseph Cugnot had actually built the first steam driven tractor. But the popularity of steam vehicles began to decline because they were dangerous to operate and difficult to maintain. And soon inventors became interested in the internal-combustion engine. In 1823, the first internal combustion machine was patented by Samuel Brown, in London”. In 1885, Karl Benz, a German mechanical engineer, designed and developed the first practical car powered by a petrol or gasoline internal combustion engine. His three-wheeled Motor wagon first ran in 1885. Some years later, Karl Benz presented with his first four-wheeled car, designed by Wilhelm Maybach and Paul Daimler. The car is credited to be the first modern motorcar. In 1914, Henry Ford began to produce cars using assembly lines. In 1908, Fords Model T became the first mass-produced automobile. Ford focused on availability for their average customers. In its prime. Ford developed the assembly process to such a level where it took only an hour and a half to produce one car. Automobiles, as we know them today, are the product of centuries of innovation. Automobile production has grown from small companies making simple so-called horseless carriages to international corporations that produce advanced, reliable automobiles for consumers. Задание 2. Придумайте заголовок к тексту на английском языке. Задание 3. Заполните таблицу. Выпишите из текста на английском языке известных людей и их изобретения.

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