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Написать кратко о чем этот текст с переводом на русский 5-6 предложений The children were having breakfast. It was not very pleasant to look at them. They didn't have good table manners. So Mrs Large took a tray from the cupboard and set it with a teapot, her favorite cup and a plate of marmalade toast. She put the morning papers into her pocket and went to the door. "Where are you going with that tray, Mum?" asked Laura. "To the kitchen," said Mrs Large. "Why?" asked the other two children. "Because I want five minutes' peace from all of you," said Mrs Large. "That's why." The children looked surprised and worried. "Can we come?" asked Lester. "No," said Mys Large. "You can't." "What shall we do then?" asked Laura. "You can play," said Mrs Large, "in the sitting room by yourselves. And keep an eye on the baby." "I am not a baby," said Teddy, the little one. Mrs Large entered the kitchen, shut the door, sat down to table and poured herself a cup of tea. She closed her eyes. Everything was so quiet. It was heaven. Suddenly the door opened. "Can I play the flute?" asked Lester. Mrs Large opened one eye. "Must you?" she asked. "I've been practicing, " said Lester. "You told me to. Can I? Please, just for one minute." "Go on then," sighed Mrs Large. So Lester played. He played "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" three and a half times. Laura came in. "Can I read you a page from my reading book?" she asked. "No, Laura," said Mrs Large. "Go on sitting room, all of you." "You let Lester play his flute," said Laura. "I heard. You like him better than me. It's not fair." "Oh, don't be silly, Laura," said Mrs Large. "Go on then. Just one page." So Laura read. She read four and half pages of Little Red Riding Hood. The little one came in with his toys. He put them on the table. "For you," he said. "Thank you, dear," said Mrs Large weakly. "Can I see the cartoons in the paper"? asked Laura. "Can I have some marmalade toast?" asked Lester. "Can I play with you?" asked the little one. Mrs Large got up and headed for the door. "Where are you going now, Mum?" asked Laura. "To the garden," said Mrs Large. "Why?" asked Lester. "Because I want five minutes' peace from all of you," said Mrs Large. "That's why." And off she went to the garden where she had three minutes and forty-five seconds of peace before they all came to join her.

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тоже нужно

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