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с зачётом Exercise 1. Вставьте в пропуски необходимые формы глагола to be.
1. Judy____a student last year. Now she____ a doctor.
2. Alex____a teacher when he graduates from the college next year.
3. I____a coach potato.
4. My boss and I ____ from Los Angeles.

Exercise2. Составьте герундий или инфинитив из глаголов в скобках.
1. I refuse (pay)!
2. Kate agreed (come).
3. They are afraid of (swim) in the sea.
4. Sam thinks of (be) a pop star.
5. She is fond of (dance).

Exercise 3. Выберите подходящий модальный глагол.
1. He (can’t/couldn’t) open the door as it was broken.
2. Take an umbrella. It (may/can) rain.
3. You (must/should) stop drinking too much coffee.
4. You know you (can’t/must not) buy health.
5. Jack (shouldn’t/needn’t) repair his new bike. It’s new.
6. The fridge is full, so we (must not/needn’t) go shopping.
7. You are saying nonsense! I (can’t/needn’t) believe it!

Exercise 4. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в необходимое время (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple).
1. Our parents (go) to Africa every year.
2. He (not spend) his last weekend in Portugal.
3. John (buy) a car tomorrow?
4. She (read) a magazine yesterday?
5. They (take) a bus to school every day?
6. We (not visit) our parents last week.
7. There (not be) a new shopping mall next year.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:


1. Finished,

a) Be.

2.  Had

3. Am

4. Am


1. I refuse payment

2. Kate agreed coming

3. They are afraid of floating in the sea

4. Sam thinks of was a pop star

5. She is fond of dancing.


1. Can't

2. can

3. should

4. should'nt

5. needn't

6. must not

7. can't

1. Gone

2.  Did'nt spend

3. Will bought

4. Did ( в начале без II колонки ))

5. Have taken

6 Did'nt visit

4. Will'nt been

1. Can I help you?

2. I would like to order egg sandwich.

3. You prefer white or brown bread?

4. I would rather have white.

5. Do you want something else?

6. MIneral water, please.

7. You want it still or sparkling?

8. Sparkling, please. How much for that all?

9. It all costs 5.90.

10. Here you are.  

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