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1.Выберите правильную форму глагола to be: am, is, are ,was, were: 1.My sisters ... sales-managers.

2. I … not from Liverpool.

3. It … necessary to learn foreign languages.

4. They ... in the USA three weeks ago.

2. Образуйте множественное число:

1. This boot--

2. An animal-

3. That wife-

4. A deer-

5. The hero -

3. Выберите необходимое местоимение:

1. Usually we meet (he, his, her at the University.

2. A lot of tourists come to London to see (it, its, her) sights.

3. My Dad knows (they, them, their ) very well.

4. (I, my, me) am interested in painting.

4. Поставьте прилагательное в правильную форму:

1. The Vatican is (small) country in the world.

2. This house is (cheap) than all others in the town.

3. The (much) we learn the (much) we know.

4. This task is as (difficult) as that one.

5. Раскройте скобку, поставьте глагол в необходимое время, переведите.

1. There (to be) a lot of students at the lecture yesterday.

2. My working day usually (to last) eight hours.

3. The students (to be) ready for the examination next week.

4. We already (to discuss) a lot of questions at the lesson?

5. My cousin ( not to play) the violin here at this moment.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:


1.My sisters are sales-managers.

2. I am not from Liverpool.

3. It is necessary to learn foreign languages.

4. They were in the USA three weeks ago.


1. This boot--  these boots

2. An animal-  animals

3. That wife-  those wives

4. A deer-  deer

5. The hero -  the heroes


1. Usually we meet her at the University.

2. A lot of tourists come to London to see its sights.

3. My Dad knows them very well.

4. I am interested in painting.


1. The Vatican is the smallest country in the world.

2. This house is cheaper than all others in the town.

3. The more we learn the more we know.

4. This task is as difficult as that one.


1. There were a lot of students at the lecture yesterday.  - Вчера на лекции было много студентов.

2. My working day usually lasts eight hours.  - Мой рабочий день обычно длится 8 часов.

3. The students will be ready for the examination next week.  - Студенты будут готовы к экзамену на следующей неделе.

4. Have we already discussed a lot of questions at the lesson?  -  Мы уже обсудили много вопросов на уроке?

5. My cousin isn't playing the violin here at this moment.  - Мой двоюродный брат не играет на скрипке здесь в данный момент.

Aborigines - абориген, туземец,bobby - это наверно имя бобби,flat -квартира,parcel - сверток, посылка,post - отправлять (например посылку, письмо),rubber - грабитель  ,shop - магазин  ,tights - колготки,timetable - расписание,tin - консервная банка,toilet - туалет,torch - фонарь, trainers - кроссовки, tram - трамвай, underground - метро.

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