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4,8(68 оценок)

1‘have you finished that report? ’ ‘no, not ' c yet2 what you do yesterday afternoon?   b did3 i in the park when it started raining.  b was sitting  4 ‘ you ever been to the museum? ’ first time.’‘no, this is thec have5 he couldn’t remember where he his car.a had parked  6 we work tomorrow.b don’t have to  7 i the gym on thursday evenings.c often go to  8 i put salt in the pasta.a a little  9 hello! come in. i’ve made some coffee. would you like some? a just10 ‘i don’t want to rent a horror film.’ ‘ do i.’  a neither  11 in the sea makes you really strong.b swimming12 it’s snowing. c put your hat on13 a key is a thing you use to open doors.b which14 to the basketball match on saturday? a are you going c will you go (два варианта возможны, но я бы а больше выбрала)  15 she invite him if she didn’t want him to come.  c wouldn’t  16 i need some advice. what i do? c could  17 this castle in 1600.a was built  18 i don’t have money left, because i bought a new jacket.a much19 he me not to tell anyone.b told20 what you do if she doesn’t reply to your email? a will21 let’s order a pizza. we don’t have to cook for dinner.b anything  22 they’ve lived in the same house forty years.a for23 i come and see you tonight if i can borrow joe’s car.b might24 i think this is the song on the cd.c best  25 that case is too heavy for you. i you.a ’ll help 

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