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Ответы на вопрос:


Number 1

1- не were, а was

2- не are, а is

3- не were, а was

4- не been, а be

5- не is, а are

6-не are, а is

7- will be watered

8- не was, a were

9- не is, a are

10- не were, a was

Number 2

1- This car was bought yesterday.

2-"Romeo and Juliet" was written by Shakespeare.

3- The report will be made next week.

4- Mobiles are used by us every day.

5-The airplane is piloted by my brother.

6-The cat is fed by my mom every day.

7-The novel will be published in a month.

Время -Когда используем -Формула- Пример

Present Simple – регулярное действие

– констатация факта is/am/are + V3 Thousands of dollars are spent on coffee in America every day. — Тысячи долларов тратятся на кофе в Америке каждый день.

Past Simple – завершенное действие в Радио изобрели 150 лет назад.

Future Simple – действие произойдет в будущем will be + V3 The letter will be sent tomorrow. — Письмо отправят завтра.

The last summer we went to the seaside. we stayed at the hotel. the hotel was nice, but the food was bad. 

Популярно: Английский язык