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с английским. Соедините слова и термины. И вставьте эти слова по смыслу в предложения. Задание на фото

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Ответы на вопрос:

4 Match each word or expression on the left with the correct definition on the right. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the terms from the left column:

1. evidence b. a form of proof legally presented at a trial through witnesses, records, documents, etc.

2. violate a. break (an oath, treaty, etc.

3. lawsuit e. case in a law court

4. misconduct f. improper behavior

5. search warrant c. written order giving official authority to conduct a search

6. consent d. agreement, permission

7. a court of law g. place where legal cases are heard

8. probable cause h. a reasonable belief that a crime has been or is being committed, having more evidence for than against

1. Have you enough 1. evidence (of her guilt) to arrest her?

2. What 7. a court of law is his case heard in?

3. Do you know whether their 3. lawsuit has been settled?

4. The police have Jane's 6. consent to enter and search her apartment.

5. 8. probable cause and a warrant issued by a court are necessary to search a dormitory room.

6. 4. misconduct is bad behavior.

7. 5. search warrant gives legal permission to the police to search a house.

8. If you 2. violate the traffic rules you'll be stopped by a policeman.

1  ugly - beautiful; (lovely) 2  busy - free; (unoccupied) 3 crowded - empty; (uncrowded)    4 polluted - clean;   (unpolluted) 1 уродливый - красивый; (прекрасный) 2 занятый - свободный; (незанятый) 3 людный (переполненный) - пустой; (малолюдный)    4 загрязненный - чистый; (незагрязненный)

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