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1. Вставьте недостающую первую, вторую или третью формы глагола: To be ……... ………
To break ………. broken
To …… began begun
To …… did …….
To drive drove …….
To go ……… gone
To take ……… taken
To write wrote ………

2. Put verbs in brackets in following tense:
Present simple
1. Jane…… (not/ drink) tea very often.
2. What time…….(the banks/close) in Britain?
3. I (to go) to college every day.
Present Continuous
1. .“ By the way” I asked Arthur.“ What Bill (to / do) now?”
2. “ Where’s Mrs. Hardy?” “ Downstairs, Sir. She (to greet) her guests.”
3. Look! Baby (to sleep).
Present Perfect
1. You (to read) that book yet? – No, I only just (to begin) it.
2. Petrov (to leave) Moscow? No, he is still in Moscow.
3. I (not / to see) him for ages
Past Simple
1. It was warm, so I ….. off my coat (take).
2. The film wasn’t very good. I….. it very much (not / enjoy).
3. What (you / do) yesterday?
Past Continuous
1. The general (to wait) on the platform when I (to arrive) at Camberley.
2. While we (to talk) Beryl (to come) out the house.
3. I (to go) to the cinema at 4 o’clock yesterday.
Past Perfect
1. By that time he (to recover) from the wound he received during the operation.
2. I heard that you (to give) up the idea of studying French.
3. Tom (to return) from the cinema by 5 o’clock

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Ответы на вопрос:

Good morning, miss jones. so you applied for a job in our team. am i right? yes, i did. i sent my resume for a position of a restaurant manager. that`s good. i`d like to know a bit more about you. probably you could tell us about your education first. well, i left school at 17 and then for the next five years i studied at kazan federal university. i graduated the department of economics with high honors and was qualified as a manager of enterprise. and after that i did a one-year computer course. well. your education sounds great, miss jones. and have you got any experience? have you worked before? certainly. first i worked as a manager at children’s clothes shop. i stayed there for four years and then i moved on to my present company. they offered me a job of a manager in a big cafe. that`s very interesting. why aren’t you happy with your present job, miss jones? why are you going to leave them? well. the salary isn’t so bad, i must admit. but the work schedule isn’t convenient for me. and i often do a lot of overtime there. besides you have an excellent reputation and i hope to have more opportunity and growth potential in your company. i see. do you mind business trips? and are you fluent in italian or german? oh, foreign languages are my favorites. we did italian and german at the university and i use them when i travel. very good. can you tell me about your good points then? well… i start my work on time. i learn rather quickly. i am friendly and i am able to work under pressure in a busy company. ok. that’s enough i think. well, miss jones. thank you very much. i am pleased to talk to you and we shall inform you about the result of our interview in a few days. good-bye.

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