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тестом 1. Do you want _____ apple?
a) a b) an c) the d) –
2. She is _____ tallest girl in the school.
a) a b) an c) the d) –
3. I want to watch _____ movie. I don't care which one we see. I just
want to get out of the house tonight.
a) a b) an c) the d) –
4. Do you like _____ my new glasses?
a) a b) an c) the d) –
5. Quick! Someone call _____ police. I need help right now.
a) a b) an c) the d) –
6. I went to _____ Spain last month.
a) a b) an c) the d) –
7. Our dog has three ...
a) puppys b)puppies c)puppy d) puppis
8. All the ... behave well today.
a) child b) childs c) childrens d) children
9. Our cat enjoys catсhing ... in the country house.
a) mice b) mouses c) mices d) mouse
10. It's very important for ... to look young and beautiful.
a) woman b) women c) womans d) womens
11. ___ a new police station just across the street?
a) are there b) is there c) there are d) there is
12.___ an Italian restaurant and a good sushi-bar near here?
a) Are there b) Is there c) There are d) There is
13. ___ lots of rough mistakes in your written test.
a) Are there b) Is there c) There are d)There is
14.___ much information on the Internet.
a) Are there b) Is there c) There are d) There is

КГУ «Сатпаевски 15. 06. 2020 ЭГС – 14\19
индустриальный колледж»
15 ___ any tomatoes left in the fridge?
a) Are there b) Is there c)There are d)There is
16. ___ any sugar in my coffee?
a) Are there b) Is there c) There are d) There is
17. ___ something we’d like to tell you.
a) There are b) There aren't c) There is d) There isn't
18. I_____ to school every day.
a) goes b) go c) went d) am
19. He often _____ this book.
a) read b)is read c)reads d) is reading
20. She never _____ English with me.
a) speak b) speaks c) is speak d) is speaking
21. My grandmother started work ________1960.
a) in b) by c) on d) at
22. I ... early in the morning every day.
a) get up b) got up c) will get up d) go up
23. He ... a book now.
a) reads b) is reading c) will read d) read
24. We ... to school every day.
a) Went b)have gone c) go d) They ... chess now.
25 ) Where ... you yesterday?
a) are b) bee c) were d) was
26. He ... a lousy driver.
a) is b) do c) are d) does
27 ... she mind his meeting her at the museum?
a) are b)were c) does d) do
28. 'How much did you pay for your book?' ____________
a) £8.50 b) Hewitt's Bookshop c ) To read some Shakespeare
29. We went mushrooming ... Tuesday.
a) in b) at c) on d) to
30. Sam ... twenty mistakes in the test yesterday.
a) learn b) made c) spent d) has
31. Tracy always ... her homework for forty minutes.
a) does b) make c) do d) does
32. They won’t ... a new film this year.
a) kill b) shoot c) murder d) have
33. Our new English textbook ....next year.
a). was published b) is published c) will be published d)
34. What countries have you visited?
a) I’ve been Russian and Spanish b) I was in Mongolian
c) I have visited Spain and Hungary d) I visits England.
35. How old are your twin brothers?
a) They were 12 last summer b)They are 10 and 12
c) They are 1They is 14 d) They are 23.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. b

2. c

3. a

4. d

5. c

6. d

7. b

8. d

9. a

10. b

11. b

12. b

13. c

14. d

15. a

16. b

17. c

18. b

19. c

20. b

21. a

22. a

23. b

24. c

25. c

26. a

27. c

28. a

29. c

30. b

31. a/d - у вас два одинаковых ответа,нужен ответ does

32. d

33. c

34. c

35. d

1. Do you want ___ b) an __ apple?

a) a b) an c) the d) –

2. She is __c) the___ tallest girl in the school.

a) a b) an c) the d) –

3. I want to watch ___a) a __ movie. I don't care which one we see. I just

want to get out of the house tonight.

a) a b) an c) the d) –

4. Do you like ___d) –__ my new glasses?

a) a b) an c) the d) –

5. Quick! Someone call ___c) the__ police. I need help right now.

a) a b) an c) the d) –

6. I went to __d) –___ Spain last month.

a) a b) an c) the d) –

7. Our dog has three ...b)puppies

a) puppys b)puppies c)puppy d) puppis

8. All the d) children... behave well today.

a) child b) childs c) childrens d) children

9. Our cat enjoys catсhing a) mice... in the country house.

a) mice b) mouses c) mices d) mouse

10. It's very important for  b) women... to look young and beautiful.

a) woman b) women c) womans d) womens

11. __b) is there_ a new police station just across the street?

a) are there b) is there c) there are d) there is

12.__ b) Is there_ an Italian restaurant and a good sushi-bar near here?

a) Are there b) Is there c) There are d) There is

13. _c) There are__ lots of rough mistakes in your written test.

a) Are there b) Is there c) There are d)There is

14.__d) There is_ much information on the Internet.

a) Are there b) Is there c) There are d) There is

15 __a) Are there_ any tomatoes left in the fridge?

a) Are there b) Is there c)There are d)There is

16. __b) Is there _ any sugar in my coffee?

a) Are there b) Is there c) There are d) There is

17. __c) There is _ something we’d like to tell you.

a) There are b) There aren't c) There is d) There isn't

18. I__b) go __ to school every day.

a) goes b) go c) went d) am

19. He often ___c)reads __ this book.

a) read b)is read c)reads d) is reading

20. She never ___ b) speaks__ English with me.

a) speak b) speaks c) is speak d) is speaking

21. My grandmother started work _a) in __1960.

a) in b) by c) on d) at

22. I a) get up ... early in the morning every day.

a) get up b) got up c) will get up d) go up

23. He b) is reading ... a book now.

a) reads b) is reading c) will read d) read

24. We c) go ... to school every day.

a) Went b)have gone c) go d) They ... chess now.

25 ) Where c) were ... you yesterday?

a) are b) bee c) were d) was

26. He a) is ... a lousy driver.

a) is b) do c) are d) does

27 ... c) does  she mind his meeting her at the museum?

a) are b)were c) does d) do

28. 'How much did you pay for your book?' _a) £8.50__

a) £8.50 b) Hewitt's Bookshop c ) To read some Shakespeare

29. We went mushrooming c) on... Tuesday.

a) in b) at c) on d) to

30. Sam b) made... twenty mistakes in the test yesterday.

a) learn b) made c) spent d) has

31. Tracy always a) does... her homework for forty minutes.

a) does b) make c) do d) does

32. They won’t b) shoot... a new film this year.

a) kill b) shoot c) murder d) have

33. Our new English textbook c) will be published....next year.

a). was published b) is published c) will be published d) publishing

34. What countries have you visited? c) I have visited Spain and Hungary

a) I’ve been Russian and Spanish b) I was in Mongolian

c) I have visited Spain and Hungary d) I visits England.

35. How old are your twin brothers? d) They are 23

a) They were 12 last summer b)They are 10 and 12

c) They are 1They is 14 d) They are 23.


Лиса и Журавль

Когда-то давным –давно Лиса и Журавль были близкими друзьями. Однажды Лиса пригласила Журавля на обед и сказала ему:

-Приходи, дружок! Приходи, дорогой! Угощу тебя от души!

Пришел Журавль к Лисе на обед. Лиса приготовила манную кашу и размазала ее по тарелке. Подает ее на стол да гостя потчует.

- Угощайся вкусным обедом, куманек. Это я сама приготовила!

Журавль клювом тук-тук своим клювом, стучал-стучал – но ни крошки угощения подобрать не мог. А Лиса тарелку облизывала, пока всю кашу не съела.

Когда каша закончилась, Лиса и говорит:

- Не обижайся, дружок. Нечем больше тебя угостить.

- И на этом , дорогая, - отвечает Журавль. – Теперь твоя очередь ко мне в гости приходить.

Назавтра пришла Лиса, а Журавль приготовил окрошку, налил ее в высокий кувшин с узким горлом и Лису потчует:

-Угощайся вкусным обедом, дорогая кума. Право, нечего больше тебе предложить.

Лиса крутится вокруг кувшина, и лизнет, и понюхает, но даже капли супа не смогла достать. Не лезет голова в кувшин.

Тем временем Журавль своим длинным клювом весь суп и выхлебал. Когда съел все, то и говорит Лисе:

- Не обижайся, дорогая. Нечем больше тебя угостить.

Лиса очень рассердилась, ведь хотела наесться на неделю вперед. Так и ушла несолоно хлебавши.

Как аукнется, так и откликнется! И с тех пор Лиса и Журавль больше не дружат.

The Fox and The Crane

It was long, long ago when the Fox and the Crane were close friends. One fine day the Fox invited the Crane to dinner with her and said to him:

«Come, buddy! Come, my dear! I’ll treat you heartily!”

And so the Crane came to the Fox for the dinner party. The Fox had cooked semolina for the dinner and smeared it over the plate. Then she served it and treated her guest.

“Help yourself to tasty dinner, my dear godfather. That was me who cooked it!”

The Crane went peck-peck with his beak, knocked and knocked but couldn’t pick even a bit of fare. The Fox kept licking the cereal until she had eaten it all.

When there’s no cereal at all, the Fox said,

«Don’t feel offended, buddy. There’s nothing more to treat you”.

«And thanks hereon, dear,” the Crane said, “now it’s your turn to visit me”.

Next day the Fox came, and the Crane made okroshka and poured in into a tall pitcher with a narrow neck and treated the fox.

“Help yourself to tasty dinner, my dear godmother. Honestly, there’s nothing more to entertain you”.

The Fox spinned around the pitcher and licked it and sniffed it but couldn’t extract even a drop of the soup. Her head wouldn’t fit the pitcher at all.

Meanwhile the Crane sucked the soup with his long bill. When everything had been eaten, he said to the Fox,

«Don’t feel offended, dear. There’s nothing more to treat you”.

The Fox got very angry as she hoped to be full up for the whole week along. So she left empty-handed.

And that was a tit for tat! So, the Fox and the Crane hadn’t been friends anymore since then.

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