Есть ответ 👍

Поставьте в пропуск will not be или will be. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму (окончание ed или 3 форма):
1. Our project…. (finish) next week.
2. Many films…. (not/produce) next year.
3. This film …. (direct) by James Cameron?
4. Toyota cars…. (not/make) in Japan anymore.
5. This music for the play …. (compose) by unknown composer.
Задание 2
Перед вами предложения в активном залоге. Измените их в страдательный (пассивный) залог:
1. The waiter will bring us a bill.
1. They will advertise the product on TV.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

Задание 1.

1. Our project…. (finish) next week.

2. Many films…. (not/produce) next year.

3. This film …. (direct) by James Cameron?

4. Toyota cars…. (not/make) in Japan anymore.

5. This music for the play …. (compose) by unknown composer.

Поставьте в пропуск will not be или will be. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму (окончание ed или 3 форма):

1. Our project will be finished next week.

2. Many films will not be produced next year.

3. Will his film be directed by James Cameron?

4. Toyota cars will not be made in Japan anymore.

5. This music for the play will be composed by unknown composer.

Задание 2. Перед вами предложения в активном залоге.

1. The waiter will bring us a bill.

1. They will advertise the product on TV.

Измените их в страдательный залог:

1. We shall be brought a bill by the waiter.

1. The product will be advertised on TV.

Ithink,he wanted to help his teacher because of his respect to the teacher and he wanted to teacher think about him good.

Популярно: Английский язык