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The Bolgar Historical and Archaeological Complex was included in the World Heritage List in 2014. The site lies on the shores of the Volga River to the south of Kazan. It contains evidence of the medieval city of Bolgar, an early settlement of the civilization of the Volga-Bolgars, which existed between the 7th and 15th centuries AD, and was the first capital of the Golden Horde in the 13th century. Bolgar represents historical cultural exchanges and transformations of Eurasia over several centuries. The property provides remarkable evidence of historic continuity and cultural diversity. It is a symbolic reminder of the acceptance of Islam by the Volga-Bolgars in AD 922 and remains a sacred pilgrimage destination for the Tatar Muslims.

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Прочитайте описание сайта и заполните таблицу. Болгарский историко-археологический комплекс был включен в Список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО в 2014 году. Участок расположен на берегу реки Волги к югу от Казани. Она содержит свидетельства о средневековом городе Болгаре, раннем поселении цивилизации волжских болгар, существовавшем между 7-м и 15-м веками нашей эры.

1. don't have to

2. needn't

3. didn't need to

4. mustn't

5. have to

6. mustn't

7. didn't need to

8. needn't

9. mustn't

10. needn't have


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