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I. Complete the sentences with the words from the list: Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами из списка:
how long
all week

1. John is very punctual. He is _______________ late.
2. Have you ____________ been to Moscow?
3. Mary enjoys parties. She ____________ goes to parties at the weekend.
4. _________________ have you been getting ready for the presentation?
I have been looking for the information ______________ .

5 points _________
II. Fill in for or since:
Заполните пропукски п предложениях for или since:
1. I have been studing in this school ________ the first grade.
2. I have lived in this city _______ 10 years.
3. _______ I passed to the 10th grade I have been trying to study better.
4. Jim has been my best friend ______ 5years, ________ we met in the art club.
5 points _________
III. Write the tense of verbs in the following sentences:
Напишите время глаголов в следующих предложениях:
Образец: 1. We moved into a new flat last year. – Past Simple
1. We moved into a new flat last year.
2. My mother doesn’t speak English.
3. I have visited many European countries
4. I have been waiting for the bus since 9 oçlock.
5. Mike is talking to his friend now.
6. I was recording a class for Youtube when you called.
7. Kate has met the President.
8.Jane always brings us a nice present.
9. They were watching TV from 7 till 10 yesterday.
10. I have never been to London.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ihate it when my brother charlie has to go away. my parents constantly try to explain to me how sick he is. that i am lucky for having a brain where all the chemicals flow properly to their destinations like undammed rivers. when i complain about how bored i am without a little brother to play with, they try to make me feel bad by pointing out that his boredom likely far surpasses mine, considering his confine to a dark room in an institution. i always beg for them to give him one last chance. of course, they did at first. charlie has been back home several times, each shorter in duration than the last. every time without fail, it all starts again. the neighbourhood cats with gouged out eyes showing up in his toy chest, my dad's razors found dropped on the baby slide in the park across the street, mom's vitamins replaced by bits of dishwasher tablets. my parents are hesitant now, using "last chances" sparingly. they say his disorder makes him charming, makes it easy for him to fake normalcy, and to trick the doctors who care for him into thinking he is ready for rehabilitation. that i will just have to put up with my boredom if it means staying safe from him. i hate it when charlie has to go away. it makes me have to pretend to be good until he is back.

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