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Ex. 1. Прочитайте текст. Поставьте в пропуски необходимые числительные и слова. 1942; 7; 200,000; 9; 1944; 650,000

inhabitants ; an invasion ; Dmitry Shostakovich

In Leningrad, the Soviet Union underwent ________by Germany and was mobilized to build antitank fortifications along the city’s perimeter in support of the city’s _________ Red Army defenders. German blockade siege claimed ___________ Leningrader lives in _________ alone, mostly from starvation, exposure, disease, and shelling from distant German artillery. In January __________ a successful Soviet offensive drove the Germans westward from the city’s outskirts, ending the siege.

The blockade of Leningrad is an example of courage and firmness of its ______. Despite the constant hunger and cold winters, Leningraders sought by all means to preserve its status as a cultural capital. They even found the strength to attend performances and concerts. The most famous musical work, "Leningrad" Symphony No.________, was written by _________and played on August _______, 1942, the day when Hitler planned that the city would fall from the blockade.

Ex 2. Прослушайте песню Billy Joel - Leningrad. Поставьте в пропуски, необходимые слова и выражения.

a) Victor was born

The spring of _______

And never saw

His ________ anymore

The child of sacrifice

Child of ________

Another son who never had

A father after Leningrad

Went off to _________

And learned to serve his state __________ the rules

And drank his vodka straight

The only _______ to live

Was drown the hate

The Russian life was very ______

And such was life in Leningrad

I was born in _______

A cold war kid in the McCarthy times

Stop 'em at the 38th parallel

Blast those yellow reds to hell

Cold war kids were hard to _____

Under their desks in an air raid drill

Haven't they heard we won the war

What ____ they keep on fighting for?

b) Victor was sent

To some red ______ town

Served out his time

Become a circus _______

The greatest happiness

He'd ever found

Was making ______ children glad

When children lived in Leningrad.

The children lived in Levittown

Hid in the shelters ___________

Till the soviets turned their ships around

Torn the Cuban missiles down

And in that bright October _____

We knew our childhood days were done

I watched my _________ go off to war

What do they ______ on fighting for?

So my child and I came to this place

To meet him, ___ to ___ and face to face

He made my _______ laugh

Then we embraced

We never knew what friends we had

Until we came to ________________.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1.I was got a free ticket to watch game show.

2.Who is plays by the violin?

4.We were sent

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