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сделать тест Test 1) Choose the proper words and Till in the blanks:
1. Millions of... watch sports events on TV.
A listeners В viewers С readers D teachers
2. News and current... programmes make up an important section of programming.
A kinds В shows С sports D affairs
3. Viewers pay ... for this service.
A a fee В a profit С media D a stream
4. TV station can ... advertising time.
A run В sell С buy D subscribe
5. TVhas some advantages and ...
A tabloids В drawbacks С posters D means 6.
... ads can appear in the mailboxes.
A tabloid В editorial С subscribe D poster
7. She didn't watch this film ...
A either В media С too D also
8. There is a weather ... every half an hour on this radio station.
A receiver В forecast С average D consumer
9. The TV signals are ...from the satellite.
A reached В run С delivered D subscribed
10. The portability means the ... to be carried around easily. A
ability В radio С media D average
2) Fill in the blanks to complete complex sentences:
1. ... spoke was my favourite actor.
A What В Who С That D Which
2. The fact was ... she didn t see thai film.
A what В thai С whether D which
J. A was the entertainment programme ... I liked best of all.
A thai В who С whose D what
4. He was listening to the radio ... he was driving the
ear. A while B after С before D until
5. She came home early ... she wanted to watch a film.
A why В when С thai D because
6. ... he didn 1 want to watch advertisements, he went
oat of the room.
A where В before С since D after 7. I
prefer to listen to the radio .. we have a TVset.
A though В since С as D as soon as
8. It was not so Interesting... I thought.
A as В though С because D that
9. It is known ... satellite broadcasting is very expensive.
A what В that С because D since
10. ... the fictional serial is loo long, I can't watch it up to the end.
A that В though С when Das
3) The test contains different mistakes: 3 - In spelling. 3 -in
grammar. Correct the mistakes and rewrite the text.
Newspapers has certain advaniadges over mass media — television and radio. Newspapers
can cover more news and in much greatest detail then television and radio news bulletins can.
Newspapers provides an exellent means of keeping well informed on current events.
4) Answer these multiple-choice questions about mass
media: I. What is a tabloid?
A a newspaper without editorials В a small newspaper С a newspaper about sports events
2. What is a quiz show?
A a set of entertainment programmes В a show in which different questions arc asked С a variety
3. For what kind of television should viewers pay money.
A for commercial TV stations В for cable TV С for public TV stations
4. How do the commercial TV stations make profits?
A they sell advertising time В they pay a fee С they subscribe to cable television
5. Where can a poster ad appear?
A on TV В in the mailbox С on the satellite

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Hobbies a thing we do our free time recreation and pleasure is called a hobby. hobbies are practiced _in__ interest and enjoyment, rather than money. what are hobbies _of__ some people are professions _to__ others: a game tester may enjoy cooking as a hobby, while a professional chef might enjoy playing computer games. generally speaking, the person who does something _for_ fun, not remuneration (оплата, вознаграждение), is called an amateur (or hobbyist), as distinct __from_ a professional. engaging _in__ a hobby can lead acquiring substantial skill, knowledge, and experience. a lot __of_ celestial bodies and events have been discovered _by__ amateur astronomers. however, the aim _of__ a hobby is pleasure and personal fulfillment. while some hobbies strike many people as trivial or boring, hobbyists find something entertaining about them. in fact, anything can be a hobby, _from__ collecting stamps and board games doing extreme sports and making model airplanes.

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