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нужно расставить подходящие по смыслу артикли или пропуски там где необходимо. A. A late night
Thank you for _____ book which you sent me for my birthday last week. I am certain I will
really enjoy reading it as _____ book is _____ one I have been intending to buy ever since
it was published about two and a half years ago. On Thursday, instead of buying _____
present for me, my sister took me out for _____ meal in _____ restaurant which had been
highly recommended in _____ local newspaper. _____ restaurant, which had been open
for only two months, was about 25 kilometres away and we went there in my sisters car.
_____ meal was excellent and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves _____ whole evening.
Unfortunately, after we left _____ restaurant, we had _____ problem with _____ car as it
would not start. We could not find out what _____ trouble was and decided to leave it
behind in _____ car park until _____ following day. We asked _____ waiter to call _____ taxi
but we had to wait over _____ hour for it to arrive, and so we did not get back home until
very late. I certainly did not feel at all like getting up and going to work next morning.
B. The First Bicycle
_____ history of _____ bicycle goes back more than 200 years. In 1791, Count de Sivrac
overjoyed onlookers in _____ park in Paris as he showed off his two-wheeled invention,
_____machine called _____ celerifere. It was basically _____ enlarged version of a childrens
toy which had been in use for many years. Sivracs celerifere had _____ wooden frame,
made in _____ shape of _____ horse, which was mounted on _____ wheel at either end.
To ride it, you sat on _____ small seat, just like _____ modern bicycle, and pushed hard
against _____ floor with your legs there were no pedals. It was impossible to steer
_____ celerifere and it had no brakes, but despite these problems _____ invention very
much appealed to _____ fashionable young men of Paris. Soon they were holding races
up and down _____ streets.
C. An English secret
______ tea is best made in ______ brown china1 teapot. First you warm ______ pot with
______ hot water, which you throw away after ______ moment or two. Then put in ______
teaspoonful of ______ tea for each person, and ______ extra one for luck (one for ______
pot). Now pour ______ boiling water on, and leave ______ tea to stand for three to five
minutes, before pouring it into ______ fine china cups, with or without ______ milk and
______ sugar. ______ hot water is served separately, to make ______ tea less strong.
Philip Sidley is ______ tea expert. He believes that ______ secret of ______ good tea lies
in ______ quality of ______ water you use. Jonathan Goodall, who is the manager of
______ big firm of ______ tea importers, does not think ______ type of ______ water is
______ such ______ important aspect. He says ______ main thing is to make ______ tea
immediately after ______ water has boiled.
______ Queen Elizabeth ______ Second would agree with Philip Sidley. Whenever she
travels away from ______ home, she takes ______ special type of ______ English spring
with her for making ______ tea.
Although ______ coffee is also drunk a lot in England today, ______ drinking of ______ tea
is closely connected with ______ certain philosophy of ______ life. ______ tea-drinking is
regarded as ______ ceremony, not just as ______ way of quenching3
ones thirst. ______
people drink ______ tea to forg

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Ответы на вопрос:

i wouldn"t  interfere if i  were  you. they will do it by themselves. (conditionals type 2) 


conditionals type 2 выражает вообрааемую ии невероятную ситуацию которая врятли случится в настоящем или будущем.



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